What is YAACAN?
By Matthew Kyazze

YAACAN- is a registered Canadian charity, standing for Young, Africans, And, Canadians, Acting, Now. Their mission is to build self-reliant and empowered communities by establishing sustainable development projects that address issues related to poverty, education and environmental concerns.
This photo was taken by @__ericstone
The FFA Members are now the Creative Directors for the charity, giving them quite a few responsibilities to help grow this large scale project. FFA Member, Matt Kyazze has redone the Instagram for YAACAN with his team members, Eric Stone, Scott Vanasse, and James Wrinn. With the new photos taken by the team members plus the amazing video content, things are moving in the right direction.
Check out the YAACAN Instagram right here!
We are using visuals to express how important the content we are sharing really is. We hope you follow our Instagram pages and stay updated through our website hashtagffa.ca and new YAACAN website which will be relaunched in November 2020. Please watch our first video on flood risk.